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How to Get Photos to Automatically Upload to Playlist Nixplay Seed

10 Easy Nixplay Hacks to Share Your Family History

The Nixplay WiFi Deject Frame is not your Generation 1 device with dull low-resolution transfers to a clunky digital photo frame. Instead, high-res photos appear on the Nixplay frame in nearly the same time it takes to share photos wirelessly to any other device. Videos have only a little longer.

If you've ever used a digital photo frame, you'll know that success is all in the setup and upload workflow. My old Kodak EasyShare was fun to use, simply a existent hassle to configure and keep loaded with images. Happily, Nixplay makes setup easy. After the frame is plugged in and paired with your wifi signal, it's ready to play.

The free Nixplay Cloud service acts as host to share the images. Your account can be managed on your desktop computer via browser, or on your smartphone with the Nixplay App. The frame can add together photos from social media, or pull images direct from Google Photos or Dropbox. Photos tin can be organized in playlists and rearranged to display in any order. In addition, photos tin be grouped into individual albums and dragged to the playlist for display.

I've been sharing photos with my parents since giving Dad the Nixplay Seed 10-inch Widescreen model for Father'southward Day. Information technology was piece of cake to fix with his dwelling wifi network, and my own account. We selected the transition and display style using the device remote, and I've made a few tweaks from home through the Nixplay dashboard. Information technology'due south been fun for them to see new photos of the fast-growing corking-grandchildren, and I've enjoyed surprising them with old family photos of Dad's ain parents.

Across sharing everyday pictures of family unit and friends, the Nixplay digital frame is a great tool for sharing your family unit history and genealogy. These tips volition help you plow your digital photo frame into a time machine to the past.

1. Understand Nixplay Albums and Playlists

Watch the Nixplay videos listed on the Website Back up department to learn how to upload images and modify the settings on your frame. Albums are your photograph storage place in the Nixplay Cloud, and a good place to organize images. Playlists are the "Now Playing" photo stream on individual frames. Yous tin drag-and-drop photos in a Playlist to rearrange the viewing order.

When photos are added from the mobile app they are automatically placed in an album called "Photos from Me." Images emailed and uploaded from friends appear in their own albums and tin be configured to show automatically in the current playlist. Entire Albums or selected photos can exist added to a Playlist for viewing.

ii. Add Captions To Your Pictures

Photos must exist inside an Album before a caption can be added. Open up the Nixplay App on your desktop web browser or on your smartphone, and click on Photos. Click "Create an Album" and name your album; for case, "Smith Family History". Create additional albums for special projects, equally needed. Afterward photos are inside an Album, yous can add captions. Click to select a photograph and blazon a caption in the editing space.

3. Use Playlists to Show and Hide Photos

Recollect of the Frame Playlist equally the "At present Playing" selection. View all your continued frames in the Frames Menu. Click on a Frame to view the current Playlists. Click the button on the Playlist tile to Enable or Disable the Playlist.

Create private playlists for special projects, such as Christmas or Summer Vacation so that playlists can be disabled subsequently the holiday. You can delete individual photos from a playlist at any time, but it'southward quicker to stop showing a group of pictures by simply disabling a Playlist.

4. Share the Electronic mail Link

Each Nixplay business relationship has an email address that can receive photos. To share this email, click the Friends Menu > Add together New Friend and enter their proper noun and email address. Select the Playlist for their photos. I use one general Playlist and a few special Playlists for family history photos, holidays, and games.

5. Happy Birthday Nifty-Grandfather!

Print a list of birthdays for your four grandparents and viii not bad-grandparents and continue a photo treasure hunt to locate pictures of each ancestor. If you don't have a moving-picture show of the person, try to find something associated with them such as their hometown, business firm, or scanned signature. Upload photos to your Nixplay Family unit History Anthology so they are ready to be shared on their birthday. Add together photo captions "Happy Birthday Gramps Fred May, born twenty March 1869."

6. Abound a Mini-Family Tree

Create a family unit tree graphic prototype with your genealogy software or download a family tree graphic from an online website and personalize with ii or three generations. Salvage as a JPG to upload and share like any photograph. If the graphic seems stuck as a PDF or document file, look for the Export As or Save As command to salve a JPG version. Another option is to brand a screenshot and save as a JPG file. Find a Kids' Family Tree at FamilyTreeMagazine.

7. Family Holidays Across the Years

Gear up a vacation photo playlist filled with snapshots from several generations and decades. Browse your old Christmas photo cards for a fun look at how everyone has changed. Include some not-photograph holiday cards or make a short video clip while you pan over one-time a table filled with onetime cards to holiday music. Don't stop with Chanukah and Christmas. Gear up albums for Valentine'due south Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Male parent's Day and other holidays throughout the year to go on your photos organized and like shooting fish in a barrel to find. Drag the album or individual pictures into a Holiday Playlist and share it with one or more frames. Remember that yous can disable the playlist afterward the vacation to proceed the photo stream timely.

viii. Who's Your Grandpa?

The Nixplay frame is great for two-way conversations. Could your grandchildren recognize their great-grandparents in a photo? Post an antecedent's photo with the caption "Who is this? Email your answer in a photo to [your Nixplay address]."

To play, anyone tin can blazon a message on their smartphone or tablet and brand a screenshot JPG to be emailed direct to the frame. Or, they can write the answer on a piece of paper and take a photo to send. Answers will announced on the frame.

9. Ancestor Trivia

Mealtimes are a slap-up time for new photos to appear with game show blazon questions. Create meme-style images with your smartphone, or add the questions in the caption box of a digital image. Choose all degrees of difficulty so the grandkids and parents don't accept information technology also easy. Transport out the answers the next day

Here are a few questions to go started:

  • In what town were your grandparents married?
  • Grandma had a cat when she was a little girl. What was its name?
  • What sport did Uncle Joe play in college?
  • Who made the afghan on our burrow? What kind of needlework is it?
  • Who is the oldest person in our family right now? Who is the youngest?

x. Heirloom Handoff

Looking for someone to take that antique chair or stack of one-time books? Send out a photo of the item with a caption near it's place in your family history. Hint: Make it a really good story if you want to detect a new home for grandpa'south tuba.

Our family has enjoyed seeing family and friends announced on our Nixplay WiFi Deject Frame, and I dearest adding family history images to the mix. How exercise you share family unit history with a digital photo frame? I'd honey to hear your favorite ideas.

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