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What Happenes to if You Add Different Element Type to Arraylist

This is one of the manufactures from our Coffee Tutorial for Beginners.

Do you lot already know how to create arrays in Java? Then information technology'south the right time to larn what an Arraylist is. Allow'due south starting time!

Let's suppose, you work equally a developer for a logistics visitor, delivering goods all over the world. You lot have to make a fifty ist of cities where the company delivers the goods.

Y'all can practise information technology in ii means:

i. With the help of an array

ii. With the aid of an Arraylist

Let'due south accept a look at each fashion. Then it will exist clear why the Arraylist is the best friend of the Java developer.

1. WITH THE Aid OF AN Array

Let'south create an array with the name deliveryCities. In the curly brackets we accept to write the elements' values of the array, i.e. the names of the cities. For instance:

As a result, the assortment called deliveryCities will be created for 4 elements. If nosotros want to get the tertiary element of the array, we have to write deliveryCities[2], since the 3rd element has the index number 2. With this, we can create an array with elements of any type and and then work with these elements.

Simply What if We Would Like to Add I More City, For Instance, London?

"Oh, information technology's non a problem!" - you volition tell me. "You but accept to increase the array elements from 4 to v."

And hither'south my answer: "You can't do it in such a way, because in Java there is no possibility to alter the length of an assortment. That ways, if an array was initially created for four elements, now this array will accept e'er 4 elements."

So what can we do? Nosotros can try to contrive and do the following - create a new array, this time not for 4 but for 5 elements. So nosotros accept to re-create all 4 elements from the previous array to the new array and add together i more than urban center - London.

The solution will look like this:

To sum up:

  • Beginning, nosotros created a new array called deliveryCities2, which is 1 element longer, than the 1st array.
  • Second, we copied all elements of the 1st array into the deliveryCities2 array.
  • Third, we set London as the value of the last element of the deliveryCities2 array.

As you see, such arroyo is not really convenient. Moreover, we had to create the 2nd array to add together only 1 boosted element. In that location is a much more convenient solution with the assistance of an Arraylist.


What is an Arraylist? To make information technology simple, Arraylist is a listing that is very similar to an assortment.

Ok, what's the divergence between an array and arraylist?

  • When you create an array, its length is stock-still at creation and y'all tin can no longer change it.
  • When yous create an arraylist, its length is flexible. You tin can alter it as many times as you lot'd like.

Also an arraylist has a number of methods to add, delete or supersede elements of the arraylist at anytime.

And that ways that, for example, initially you can create an arraylist for 4 elements and so later add 7 more than and so y'all can fifty-fifty delete two elements, and one more time add additional 15 elements, etc. Yous've got the idea, an arraylist is similar to rubber, you can increase or decrease its length without whatsoever problems.

Every bit you remember, in the article "Coffee - Variable Types. How to Create a Variable in Java", we discussed that there are 8 primitive variable types in Java. Arraylist does non belong to these 8 primitive variable types. Arraylist belongs to an Object type, that is a function of Coffee Core, namely java.util.ArrayList.

Working with an Arraylist is Really Simple

First of all, you lot have to create a list. You have ii options. The well-nigh pop option is to utilise the following construction:

For our instance with cities:

Firstly, as you can see, nosotros wrote a discussion "Arraylist."

Secondly, since we desire to save strings as elements of the Arraylist, we wrote "Cord" in the angle brackets.

Please be attentive: Arraylist cannot work with the primitive variable types in Java.

Therefore, when working with an Arraylist, if you are using primitive variable types in Java, you would need to apply the wrapper classes for each blazon accordingly. That'south why:

  • for the int type y'all have to apply Integer wrapper class
  • for the double type you lot have to employ Double wrapper class
  • etc.

Ok, We've Made the List, just it is Empty. How Can We Add Elements to it?

Information technology's very easy to practice. Arraylist has a few methods. To add an chemical element, you take to use a method chosen add(T element). In the parentheses we would need to write an element.

Thus, to create a list and add 4 elements into information technology, we have to write the following:

Please annotation, that when we created the listing, we did not specify its length. The length of the list is automatically adjusted to the number of elements. If we decided to delete some elements or add additional elements, the length of the list would be adjusted to the new numbers of elements.

As y'all retrieve, to measure the length of an array we used a property "length". To measure out the length of an Arraylist, we have to use not a property, simply a method called size(). That'southward why for our list, we write the following:

As a result, the number 4 will be displayed in the console, since our listing consists of four cities.

So, you already know how to add together an element to the end of an Arraylist.

Only How Tin Nosotros Add together an Chemical element inside a List?

Suppose we have 3 elements in an listing: Chicago, New York and Toronto. And nosotros desire to add Paris later on Chicago and before New York.

If nosotros worked with an assortment:

ane. We would accept to create a 2nd array whith the length longer than 1st assortment by ane element.

two. Then with the help or the "for" loop, nosotros would copy all elements of the 1st array to the 2nd assortment. Moreover, on each iteration we would accept to check the name of a metropolis. If the proper name of a city was Chicago, we would have to paste Paris later on Chicago.

As y'all understand, the lawmaking would be fairly long.

With an Arraylist you can do information technology much more simply.

To add an element to an Arraylist, you have to utilise a method chosen add(int index, T chemical element). Equally you lot can see, this method has two parameters:

int index - in this parameter we write an index for an element, afterward which a new element tin can exist added

T chemical element - in this parameter nosotros write an element which can be added

In this example the code would wait like this:

And how to add together an element to the beginning of a listing? Yous tin can exercise it by writing this line of lawmaking:

Ok, neat! Now we know how to add together an element to any place of an Arraylist.

How Can We Get an Chemical element under a Certain Index Number? For Example, with the Index Number ii.

If we worked with an array, we would write an index number in the brackets. For example:

When working with an Arraylist, nosotros cannot use brackets. We take to use a method called get ( int index ). Just write an index number of an chemical element which we want to arrive the parentheses.

In this instance, the code would look like this:

How to Go an Index Number of an Element?

We accept to apply another method chosen indexOf ( Object o ). Just write an element value of which we want to get the index number in the parentheses.

  • If at that place is such an element value in the list, the method returns its index number.
  • If at that place is no such element value, the method returns "-ane".

Here's an instance:

You've got the idea that by using the indexOf() method yous bank check an chemical element value availability in an Arraylist. Moreover, there is another method called contains(Object o), which:

  • returns "truthful", if there is such an element value in an Arraylist
  • returns "fake", if there is no such element value

Please note, that element values in an Arraylist tin echo a few times (for example, 2 "New York" cities in an Arraylist). And so if y'all need to know how many times the aforementioned city repeats in an Arraylist, you can practice information technology with a loop, comparing each element with an element yous are searching for, or you tin can use special classes for this case.

How Tin can Nosotros Supervene upon an Element with Another Chemical element?

Suppose, nosotros take an Arraylist with 3 cities: Chicago, New York, Toronto and we desire to replace Toronto with Berlin. To practise this, we tin use a method called fix(int alphabetize, T chemical element):

int index - in this parameter we write an index number of an element which nosotros want to supersede with another value

T element - in this parameter we write a new value of an chemical element

How Tin We Delete Elements in an Arraylist?

To delete an element, we have to use a method chosen remove().  This method has ii options:

  • remove ( int index )  - simply write an index number of an element which you want to delete;
  • remove ( Object o )  - only write an element value you want to delete. Please note: if at that place are a few identical element values, only the first element value volition exist deleted. To delete all identical element values, you accept to use a loop.


If we want to delete all elements of an Arraylist, nosotros take to employ a metod called clear().

You tin find more than articles in our Java Tutorial for Beginners.
