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Business Analysis in Agile Projects Global Knowledge


Contact us for availability


In-person: 2 days
LiveOnline: 3 sessions of 4.5 hours

20% off for group bookings of three or more.


How do you combine your analysis skills with agile tools and techniques?  If you're a business analyst working in agile projects, our Agile Business Analyst course will help you understand how to operate in an agile environment so that you're better equipped to deliver value to your organisation.  You will learn how to build the right products, for the right customers, at the right time while reducing waste.


ICP APO icon

ICAgile accredited course: TheICAgile Certified Professional, Agile Product Ownership is granted on the successful completion of this course. This certification is part of the ICAgile Product Ownership Track along with ourAgile Fundamentals andEnterprise Product Ownership courses. We offer the complete ICAgile Product Ownership Track for those looking to become an ICAgile Certified Expert in Product Ownership (ICE-PO).


This course will contribute 14 PMI® Professional Development Units towards your chosen certification(10 technical hours and 4 leadership hours).

Intended for:

Individuals who work with A gile teams  doing business analysis tasks including:

  • Business A nalysts
  • Project M anagers
  • Software D evelopers
  • Those in quality assurance

This course builds on your existing knowledge of business analysis. If you are new to b usiness a nalysis or want to  learn how to perform core BA activities , we suggest you attend the Business Analysis Fundamentals  or Business Systems Analysis  course.

Learning outcomes:

During this course you will learn about:

  • The Agile m indset and k ey Agile p rinciples
  • The role of the B usiness A nalyst in A gile teams
  • How modelling techniques are used in A gile
  • How to integrate requirements management into an Agile process
  • How to derive user stories from analysis models such as process models, class diagrams, use cases  and other tools of the analysis trade
  • U tilise guidelines and practices for designing and deploying an effective agile business analysis process
  • A brief overview of the Agile m indset and k ey Agile principles
  • Where business analysis fits in the Agile lifecycle
  • Explore the techniques from the Agile Extension to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge strategies and practices for integrating the BA with A gile teams
  • The V alue M anagement team  and the role of the BA and Product Owner
  • The Agile development lifecycle
    • Vision
    • Product roadmap
    • Personas
    • Stories
    • Story maps
    • Prioritisation
    • Release planning
    • Backlog grooming
    • Story splitting
    • Story elaboration
    • Frequent releases
    • Successful closure
  • Using existing analysis models in A gile projects to identify and extract user stories: use cases, process models, class diagrams, decision tools, state transition diagrams
  • P rinciples for A gile business analysis and how they influence effective outcomes for our customers
Method used:

Course delivery includes a mixture of discussions, group exercises, and workshops to reinforce concepts learned.


This program is offered as a classroom-based course as well as a LiveOnline program. Our LiveOnline delivery is over three days (each four and a half hours in duration). The instructor is live and interaction and learning objectives are the same as our in-person classes with the added benefit of being able to take this course from your home, your office or your home office.  We use Zoom for our LiveOnline classes.  Zoom is an easy to use and reliable cloud platform and we have in place robust security settings to ensure our users and their privacy are protected. For more information please check out our FAQ page.

For people with hearing loss, we can provide closed captions and in some cases full transcripts for our LiveOnline courses. In addition to captioning, we can also provide early access for learners with hearing loss to read through the course materials and test the tools and technologies.

Course outline

Agile Business Analysis Course Outline (PDF).

Business Analysis in Agile Projects Global Knowledge
